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What is Hana's Suitcase?


Hana's suitcase was loaned to the Tokyo Holocaust Education Resource Center from the Auschwitz Museum in Poland in 2000.


When it arrived, it inspired much conversationamong the visitors and the Small Wings children. All we knew about her was her name, her birthday, and that she arrived in Auschwitz in October 1944 and was sent to the gas chamber on that same day.


For the next few months, children visited the suitcase and began writing stories about what Hana might have been like as a child.


Their interest made us want to find out more about her life and family, so the search for information began. Eventually, we not only found her only surviving family member, Hana's brother, George Brady, but he provided us with a glimpse of her life and her personality, as well as a collection of her photographs.


Hana's suitcase has become much more than a historical artifact. It has become a bridge between a beautiful little girl named Hana and her brother George Brady, who survived Auschwitz, and the children of Japan. 


In 2002, CBC Radio producer, Karen Levine wrote a children’s book, Hana’s Suitcase, which is now being published in more than 40 countries. 


We have been inundated with so many emails, letters, artworks from children all over the world. We are so excited with their interest and enthusiasm!


Hana's Suitcase is now traveling to schools all over Japan. We have also visited Canada, US, Germany, Mexico, Australia, China, Scotland, and South Africa.  (See here)






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