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of Commemoration in memory of the Victims of the Holocaust










開場 18:00

開演 18:30











Who Will Write Our History



エマニュエル・リンゲルブルムとオイネグ・シャベス文書の物語が、ここに初めてドキュメンタリー・フィルムのかたちで語られます。ロバータ・グロスマンによる脚本・制作・監督、ナンシー・スピルバーグがチーフ・プロデューサーを務めた“Who Will Write Our History”は、当該文書や新たに撮ったインタビュー、当時の貴重なフィルムや俳優によるドラマを織り交ぜながら、観る者をゲットーの中へ、果敢に抵抗する者たちの生活へと引き込んで行きます。



Director's message

どちらの言い分が正式な話となるのか?誰の語ることを「真実」のレベルへと持ち上げ、誰の語ることを無視あるいは葬り去ってしまうべきなのか?何が本当で何が偽りなのか?2018年、まず始めに問うべき疑問はこれでした。その同じ疑問が、第二次大戦中ワルシャワ・ゲットーに閉じ込められていたレジスタンス勇者たち一同の胸にもありました。ジャーナリスト、学者、歴史家たちから成るこの隠れた一団のことを知るに至ってすぐ、彼らのことを映画にしなくては、と思いました。Who Will Write Our Historyに描かれた彼らの話こそ、ホロコーストのなかでも最も重要な知られざる逸話であると思います。




この衝撃的な物語は、本作品の制作に実に才能豊かな人々を引き寄せました。その筆頭は歴史学者のサムエル・D・カッソーです。彼の著書『Who Will Write Our History?』は、ワルシャワ・ゲットーにおける秘密裡の文書収集のいきさつについて詳述しています。サムは当初から私に助言と協力をしてくれました。そこに加わったのが、よく仕事で一緒になるナンシー・スピルバーグですが、彼女のDNAのなかには物語作家としての見事な才能が組み込まれています。脚本には、ポーランド、アメリカ、イスラエルの世界的に名の通った学者たちが助言を寄せてくれました。映画に登場する二人の中心人物のナレーションは、アカデミー賞に3度ノミネートされた女優のジョーン・アレンと、アカデミー賞を受賞したエイドリアン・ブロディが担当してくれました。ドキュメンタリーはアメリカを本拠とするカターディン・プロダクションズとポーランドの制作会社マッチ・アンド・スパークの共同制作で、ポーランドでの5週間の撮影にはすばらしい俳優陣と制作スタッフを揃えてくれました。








   ロバータ・グロスマン 2018年11月18日


International Day

of Commemoration in memory of the Victims of the Holocaust

The UN General Assembly designated January 27th as the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. Since 2015 Tokyo Holocaust Education Resource Center(Kokoro) have held official remembrance day events every year.

For the 2019 ceremony we are joining a global event led by UNESCO by hosting a screening of the film Who Will Write Our History.  

It tells the story of historian Emanuel Ringelblum and the secret archive he created in the Warsaw Ghetto. 

This global event has 150 simultaneous screenings booked in 30 countries, including UNESCO headquarters in Paris, Auschwitz Birkenau State Museum in Poland, US Holocaust Memorial Museum in the US, and other museums. 

 DATE     January 27, 2019  


 TIME    Door opens at 6:00 p.m., Film starts at 6:30 p.m. 

 PLACE   Jewish Community Center of Japan 

HOSTED by  Japan-Poland Youth Association &

 Tokyo Holocaust Education Resource Center (Kokoro) 

About the film

Who Will Write Our History

In November 1940, days after the Nazis sealed 450,000 Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto, a
secret band of journalists, scholars and community leaders decided to fight back.


Led by historian Emanuel Ringelblum and known by the code name Oyneg Shabes, this clandestine group vowed to defeat Nazi lies and propaganda not with guns or fists but with pen and paper. Now, for the first time, their story is told as a feature documentary.


Written, produced, and directed by Roberta Grossman and executive produced by Nancy Spielberg, Who Will Write Our History mixes the writings of the Oyneg Shabes archive with new interviews, rarely seen footage and stunning dramatizations to transport us inside the Ghetto and the lives of these courageous resistance fighters.


They defied their murderous enemy with the ultimate weapon – the truth – and risked everything so that their archive would survive the war, even if they did not.

FRom the Director

Roberta Grossman, November 18, 2018

Which side of the story becomes the official narrative? Whose accounts do we elevate to the
level of “truth,” and whose do we ignore or even bury? What is real, and what is fake? These are
top-of-mind questions in 2018. They also preoccupied a courageous group of resistance fighters
imprisoned in the Warsaw Ghetto in World War II. The moment I found out about this secret
band of journalists, scholars, and historians, I knew I had to make a film about them. Their story,
captured in Who Will Write Our History, is, in my opinion, the most important unknown story of
the Holocaust.

Created and led by Polish historian Emanuel Ringelblum, the Oyneg Shabes was an
organization of 60+ members engaged in spiritual resistance against the Nazis, fighting hatred,
lies and propaganda with pen and paper. They wrote and commissioned diaries, essays, jokes,
poems, and songs. They also collected artifacts such as photographs, German
pronouncements, labels on Ghetto goods, official and underground newspapers, and more --
anything that would help future historians tell the story of the Ghetto from the Jewish point of
view, rather than from the Nazi perspective. On the eve of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, Oyneg
Shabes members buried 60,000 pages of documentation in the ground in the hopes that the
archive would survive, even if they did not, to “scream the truth to the world.”

The magnitude of this story drew remarkably talented people to the project. First and foremost
was historian Samuel D. Kassow, whose book Who Will Write Our History? details the creation
of the secret archive of the Warsaw Ghetto. From the beginning, Sam was my advisor and
partner. We were joined by my frequent collaborator Nancy Spielberg, who has masterful
storytelling instincts in her DNA. World-class scholars in Poland, the United States, and Israel
advised on the script. Three-time Academy Award nominated actress Joan Allen and Academy
Award winner Adrien Brody voiced the film’s two main characters. The documentary is a coproduction
between the US-based Katahdin Productions and the Polish company Match&Spark,
which brought in amazing actors, production designers, and crew for five weeks of shooting in


In order to ground the film’s cinematically dramatized scenes in historical accuracy, the
production design team worked with scholars for six months before we started filming. This
process ensured that every pen, shoelace, and wall color was spot-on for the period. The words
spoken by actors in the film come directly from the writing of the Oyneg Shabes Archive and/or
in the case of the film’s narrator, Rachel Auerbach, from her post-war writing. As with the
historical people they portray, the actors switch freely from speaking Yiddish to Polish in the film.


While striving to avoid “tricks” that would “fool” an audience, the film does employ transparent
visual effects such as compositing actors shot against green screen with archival footage. The
goal here is to bring the past to life while balancing against the high standards for veracity in a
documentary. To achieve this goal, we blended archival and dramatic footage, pulling from the
tools of dramatic feature storytelling. While fully aware of the complexity of these techniques, I
reached for these visual tools because Who Will Write Our History tells the story of a place that
no longer exists (the Warsaw Ghetto), about people who are long dead, and about a period of
history captured primarily in black-and-white film and mostly by Nazi propaganda photographers
and cameramen. I want people not simply to learn from the film, but to be engaged and deeply


In 1999, three document collections from Poland were included in UNESCO’s Memory of the
World Register: the masterpieces of Chopin, the scientific works of Copernicus and the Oyneg
Shabes Archive. Historians concur that the Oyneg Shabes Archive is the richest cache of
eyewitness, contemporaneous accounts to survive the Holocaust. Despite its importance, the
archive remains largely unknown outside academic circles. It is my hope that Who Will Write
Our History will change that in the way that only a film can do, by making the story accessible to
millions of people around the world.


About the Film
International Day
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